Helping people navigate the trauma of divorce

Divorce is like a car wreck, including the same traumatic effects on the body and emotions. We don't treat it that way, but we should. This is a sobering observation from tonight’s guest, Steve Grissom, the creator of DivorceCare – a program that has helped over one million people navigate divorce. Steve joins us to discuss the many things he’s learned over the past three decades helping people experiencing this trauma as well as people suffering through other types of loss.



The importance of having of support community.

A more complete view of Malachi 2:16.

The only way to find healing for your soul.


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More information: Find a DivorceCare group; Find a GriefShare group


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

A call to justice

It seems like the term social justice has become a four-letter word for some people.  This is rather odd, especially among Christians.  Whether it’s God’s Old Testament call for a mighty flood of justice or Jesus challenging us to serve the least of these, the Bible is continually promoting justice.

Tonight, we’re joined by Adam Russell Taylor, the President of Sojourners, an organization that has been promoting faith in action for social justice for 50 years.  Adam has had an interesting career advancing justice and other causes while working at places like the World Bank Group, World Vision, and the White House.  He’s the author of two books including a soon-to-be-released work called A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community.  Adam joins us to talk about the Biblical call to promote justice and what that looks like. 


Jesus, politics, and voting.

Addressing the severe polarization in America.

The desperate need for grace in Congress.


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More information: Sojourners Website; Adam’s Upcoming Book


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

Fostering the spiritual and character development of leaders

There seems to be a serious void in leadership today.  Tribalism, self-righteousness, contempt and dishonesty are far too common among our government, business, and even church leaders.  What can we do to address this problem?

Tonight’s guest is the President of The Trinity Forum, an organization working to transform society through the character and spiritual development of our leaders.  Cherie Harder joined the forum in 2008 following a career in government that included stints at the White House and Congress.  Cherie joins us to talk about the Trinity Forum and the most important insights they’ve gained about leadership from their work with leading Christian thinkers. 


Elected officials act in a way that is reinforced by their voters.

Leadership should involve the subordination of self interests to the common good.

A counter-cultural space to think about the questions that matter most.


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More information: The Trinity Forum Website


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

Combating toxic polarization

In the 10 months since I first interviewed tonight’s guest, our country has been rocked by COVID-19, racial unrest, economic collapse, an assault on truth, and the attack on Congress.  It would seem obvious to conclude that these things added to the already considerable gaps that separate Americans.  

Andrew Hanauer is the President and CEO of One America Movement, an organization founded after the 2016 election to fight polarization.  Among other things, One America brings people together across political, racial and religious divides to work on issues that matter to both sides – like poverty and the opioid epidemic.  Andy joins us to talk about the effectiveness of One America’s programs and to share, I hope, a glimmer of hope. 


We are not the caricatures we see on the news.

Seeing the outcome of what we’ve been breeding.

Building lasting relationships between communities.


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More information: One America Movement


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

A shocking story of childhood sexual abuse

“There wasn’t a day in my childhood that I can remember that I wasn’t abused.” This is the opening line of a book written by tonight’s guest about being sexually abused by his father for 12 years. Dr. Gregory Williams is on the administrative leadership team at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He’s also the author of Shattered by the Darkness: Putting the Pieces Back Together After Child Abuse, and he hosts the Breaking the Silence video podcast. Greg joins us to share his experiences, talk about his decision to forgive his father, and offer advice to people suffering from abuse. 


When the unthinkable seems normal.

An unexpected revelation and reaction.

No matter how bad things look in the world or in your life, there’s always hope.


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More information: Shattered by the Darkness book series; Breaking the Silence podcast


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

Politics done with grace and truth

Christian politics minus the Gospel equals 2020 America.  These are the words of Justin Giboney, an attorney, political activist, and co-founder of the AND Campaign, an organization working to get Christians to do politics more faithfully.  Justin joins us to talk about his work, the upcoming election, and his book Compassion (&) Conviction: The AND Campaign's Guide to Faithful Civic Engagement.


True courage is standing up to people on your side of the political divide.

You can’t have justice without moral truth or morality without justice.

Supporting women’s health and protecting the unborn are not mutually exclusive.

We must enter political conversations with humility and a spirit of self examination.


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Creating transformational relationships on demand

Tonight’s guest learned firsthand about the transformational power of relationships after a chance meeting super-charged his career.  He later decided to develop an approach to creating powerful relationships on demand.  James Carbary is the founder of Sweet Fish Media and the author of Content-Based Networking: How to Instantly Connect with Anyone You Want to Know.  He’s also the Executive Producer and Co-Host of the B2B Growth Show podcast.  James joins us to share the story of that chance meeting as well as what he’s learned about readily connecting with people you want to build relationships with. 


The appeal of appearing on a podcast.

A core value worth building relationships, businesses, and life on.

An interesting view of the Gospel.


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More information: Sweet Fish Media Website; James’ book on Amazon


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

Costly grace

Tonight’s guest has experienced three significant conversions in his life: from Jewish roots to Christianity; from a pure faith to a highly political one; and from the religious right to the simplicity of the Gospel. Once a radical anti-abortion activist, today he works to liberate the evangelical community from the grips of extreme politics and urges Washington conservatives to move beyond tribalism and the politics of hate, fear, and violence. Rob Schenck describes himself as a recovering member of the religious right, and his most recent book, Costly Grace, describes how he broke free from his descent into radical politics through humility, self-reflection, and a return to the essence of the Gospel. 


A challenge to evangelicals to get back to the centrality of Jesus Christ.

Working on humility should not be hard for evangelicals.

A peculiar species of American Evangelicals.


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The transactional nature of forgiveness

Tonight’s guest and his family have suffered through a world of hurt at the hands of other people through things like murder, molestation, and assault. After describing what they had been through to someone on a well-known pastor support hotline, the counselor paused and said, “That’s the worst story I’ve ever heard. Why are you still doing ministry?”

Bruce Hebel is the co-author of Forgiving Forward: Unleashing the Forgiveness Revolution and the co-founder of the Forgiving Forward ministry. He joins us to talk about the hurtful things he and others have experienced and a revolutionary way to free ourselves from the torment that comes with unforgiveness.


Our forgiveness is tied to our forgiveness of others.

Forgiveness is not a process, it’s a decision.

You don’t want to eat barbecue prepared by a vegetarian.


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More information: Forgiving Forward Website; Forgiving Forward book


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

A combat veteran talks about spiritual healing and serving people with mental health issues

Back in 2016, tonight’s guest wrote, “I know I’m a train wreck in a dumpster fire. But I also know that God loves me 100% as is, right now, in the midst of the burning carnage that is often my life.” Benjamin Sledge is combat veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s the recipient of the Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, and two Army Commendation Medals. Unfortunately, though, his experiences led to struggles with depression, drunkenness, and violence.   

Today, Ben travels around the country educating businesses, nonprofits, and churches about mental health issues, life in the military, and following Jesus Christ. He’s an author, graphic designer, metalhead, and licensed minister – a bit of a renaissance man. He joins us today to talk about how things turned around for him and to offer true hope to others.


It’s OK to not be OK, but it’s not OK to stay that way.

Driving satanists wild with love.

The destructiveness of isolation and job loss.


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For more information: Benjamin Sledge Website;


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

A perfect blend of politics and religion

A perfect blend of politics and religion.  Is there such a thing?  Tonight, we’re joined by John Slye, the lead pastor at Grace Community Church in Arlington and Falls Church, Virginia – a church for people who don’t go to church.  We’ll be talking about politics and other issues with John, including the Christian response to the coronavirus. 


The concept of a grace lobbyist.

The healing at the pool of Bethesda reveals something that’s easy to talk about but hard to do.

A focus on Christ can change everything.


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For more information: Grace Community Church; Andy Stanley - The Perfect Blend of Politics and Religion


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

The story of a young Fairfax, Virginia girl’s descent into human trafficking

At age 12, Barbara Amaya ran away from her Fairfax, Virginia home to escape abuse.  A woman in Washington, D.C. offered her a place to stay and turned out to be a sex trafficking recruiter.  Barbara was eventually sold on the streets of D.C. to a trafficker from New York City and she spent the next 10 years being victimized by him, his enablers, and their “customers.”  Barbara joins us tonight to share her story and to discuss how pervasive trafficking is and simple ways you can help combat it. 


Your child can be trafficked while she/he is living with you.

The importance of taking even a little bit of time to engage and listen to others.

“I never planned on doing anything that I do now.”


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For more information:


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough 

Working to depolarize our country by bringing together red and blue Americans

An attendee of October’s Trumpstock gathering in Phoenix Arizona was quoted as saying that, if Trump is not re-elected, “Nothing less than a civil war would happen.”  “I don’t believe in violence,” he said, “but I’ll do what I got to do.”[1]

Also recently, a caller into a radio program suggested we shun conservatives.  He said he no longer talks to his brother because of his political views and spoke about dividing up our country.[2] On and on it goes in the media as we approach the 2020 election. 

If you’ve grown tired of the political division and contempt that’s so commonplace, we’ve got a tonic for you tonight.  We’re joined by April Lawson, the Director of Debates at Better Angels – an organization committed to bridging the growing divide between Republicans and Democrats in our country.  Following their first gathering of Trump and Clinton supporters back in December 2016, Better Angels launched numerous initiatives across the U.S. in an effort to tear down the walls that divide us.  April joins us to share some insights and stories about their work that you definitely want to hear.


When you get people together, they’re not only kind to each other but they want to spread the hope of unity.

Observations from bringing people together.

A simple method for preserving and improving relationships.


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A Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient helps military family members grieve the loss of a loved one

Bonnie Carroll is a 2015 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  She’s a former White House West Wing staffer and Air Force Reserve Major whose life was forever changed when her husband, Brigadier General Tom Carroll, was killed in an Army C-12 plane crash in November 1992.  As Bonnie searched for support, she realized there was no organization dedicated to providing help to military families grieving the death of a loved one.  In 1994, she founded TAPS – Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – a national support program that has offered hope and healing to 70,000 military family members, casualty officers, and caregivers.  Bonnie joins us to talk about the experience of losing her husband, her vision for TAPS, and some of the people they’ve been able to serve. 


We grieve because we love, and love endures forever.

The origin of TAPS and what they do.  (24/7 Hotline: 800-959-8277)

Here are some things you can do this holiday season and beyond for those who have suffered a loss.  (TAPS Website Volunteer Page and Wreaths Across America)


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For more information:  TAPS Website;  24/7 Hotline: 800-959-8277Wreaths Across America 


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough

Life-changing Christmas gifts for children of prison inmates

Kevin Almestica was born in Rikers Island Prison 23 years ago.  Three days later, his mother handed him over to Mayra Alemar to raise until she was released from prison.  Mayra was working with Prison Fellowship when she first met Kevin’s pregnant mom.  Kevin’s biological parents and godfather were all dead by the time he was 12, and Mayra wound up raising Kevin to adulthood while also caring for five other children.  Kevin joins us to talk about his experiences growing up, and the profound impact that Mayra and Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree program had on him.  We’re also joined by Jim Forbes, the Director of Communications for Prison Fellowship, who will give us details on their Angel Tree program. 


How Angel Tree works and its impact.

Giving hope to children who are troubled and lost in the absence of a parent.

Over ten million gifts given.


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For more information:  Angel Tree Program Web PagePrison Fellowship Website


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough

The radical prison transformation of a violent white supremacist

Russ Kloskin grew up in a family marked by violence, drug use, and poverty.  At age seven his mom got him high on marijuana, and at age 11 she took him with her to perform a burglary.  At age 12 he was arrested for the first time, and at age 15 he was arrested for armed robbery and tried and convicted as an adult.  Russ would spend 27 of the next 35 years in prison where he became a member of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, one of the most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the U.S., briefly rising to the level of President during the late 90s.  During a 7-year stint in solitary confinement, Russ began to see the anger and rage that had come to fill his heart and radically changed his life.  He joins us to talk about his experiences and the work he is now doing to help prisoners successfully re-integrate with society when they are released.


A mom's unimaginable cruelty and its lasting impression.

No matter who you are or what you've done, Jesus can heal you.

God wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)


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For more information:  Prison Fellowship Re-Entry Program


Opening and closing music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough

Welcoming hungry, exhausted, and distressed refugees along our Southern border

A caravan is headed to our Southern border, and it’s filled with criminals and terrorists bent on invading our country.  At least that’s what the highest level of our government is telling us.  But is that the real story?  Tonight, we’ll get a report from the front lines of the immigrant surge that started four years ago.  We’re joined by Sister Norma Pimentel, the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in Brownsville, Texas who helped organize their response to the 2014 surge of Central Americans seeking asylum in the United States.  Sister Pimentel is a 2018 Hispanic Heritage Award recipient, an award established by the Reagan administration, and the 2018 recipient of the Laetare Medal at Notre Dame University’s commencement ceremony honoring her work with migrants and refugees, the highest and oldest award given to a U.S. Catholic each year.  Sister Pimentel joins us to talk about her experiences working with refugees and seeing God himself in them.


Witnessing someone being treated as a human being for the first time in a long time.

A challenge to overcome your fear and get involved.

A message for young Latinos and other youth.


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A father’s love for his disabled son sparks the creation of a world class retirement investment business

About 19 years ago, Mitch Tuchman was sitting in a McDonalds when he saw a school bus unloading a group of severely disabled teenagers.  The sight and proximity of the teens rattled him, and he wept.  Two years before, he and his wife had given birth to a disabled boy named Jack and the teens provided a glimpse into their future.  Mitch joins us to talk about the many lessons he has since learned from Jack, and the company that grew out of his motivation to ensure that Jack would never become a financial burden to his siblings or others.


It only takes a moment interacting with someone very different than you to forever change your life.

The simple idea behind Rebalance.

A rare genetic disorder with some pleasant attributes.


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 For more information: Rebalance Website; Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation               


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough

Everybody Matters - The CEO of a $2.8B company integrates people, purpose, and performance

Everybody Matters.  That’s the belief of today’s guest.  Bob Chapman is the Chairman and CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, a $2.8 billion global capital equipment and engineering consulting company, and the author of Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family.   Following a string of revelations, Bob began implementing a “people in harmony with profit” approach to managing his business in 1987.  The company has since grown 18% per year, and its stock price has increased 14% per year.  Far more importantly, Barry-Wehmiller has become known as a company that truly cares for its employees and their fulfillment (earning Bob the number 3 slot on Inc.'s list of The World's Top 10 CEOs).  Bob joins us to talk about some of the profound changes in attitude, performance, and flourishing that his 12,000 employees have experienced along the way.    


Leadership is a privilege and profound responsibility that offers the chance to care for people and to make a huge impact on their lives. 

Measuring success by the way the company touches the lives of its people and stakeholders. 

Three things that shape the foundation of Barry-Wehmiller's leadership principles.


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For more information:  Truly Human Leadership Website (Transforming lives through people-centric leadership);  Barry-Wehmiller Website (Building a better world through business);  Documentary on Everybody Matters book


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough

A Navy Yard shooting survivor shares lessons learned from a shocking tragedy

On the morning of September 16, 2013, tonight’s guest encountered the Washington Navy Yard shooter in a stairwell and was shot at close range.  Just before Aaron Alexis pulled the trigger, Jennifer Bennett felt a sense of peace and love as she stared into Aaron’s eyes.  Twelve people were killed by the shooter that day, and he himself died in an exchange of gunfire with police.  Somehow Jennifer survived.  She joins us to talk about her experiences that day, how they transformed her life, and the profound insights she has gained into the importance of really “seeing” others and of boldly honoring our God-given purpose. 


Get to know the people around you, care about them, build relationships with them, and have a heart for them.

We all need to be seen and valued.

The words silent and listen have the same letters.  We need to be silent to listen.


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For more information:  Navy Yard Survivor WebsiteShowtime's Active Shooter: America Under Fire, Episode 4, Washington, D.C.         


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough