The transactional nature of forgiveness
Tonight’s guest and his family have suffered through a world of hurt at the hands of other people through things like murder, molestation, and assault. After describing what they had been through to someone on a well-known pastor support hotline, the counselor paused and said, “That’s the worst story I’ve ever heard. Why are you still doing ministry?”
Bruce Hebel is the co-author of Forgiving Forward: Unleashing the Forgiveness Revolution and the co-founder of the Forgiving Forward ministry. He joins us to talk about the hurtful things he and others have experienced and a revolutionary way to free ourselves from the torment that comes with unforgiveness.
Our forgiveness is tied to our forgiveness of others.
Forgiveness is not a process, it’s a decision.
You don’t want to eat barbecue prepared by a vegetarian.
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More information: Forgiving Forward Website; Forgiving Forward book
Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough