Working to depolarize our country by bringing together red and blue Americans

An attendee of October’s Trumpstock gathering in Phoenix Arizona was quoted as saying that, if Trump is not re-elected, “Nothing less than a civil war would happen.”  “I don’t believe in violence,” he said, “but I’ll do what I got to do.”[1]

Also recently, a caller into a radio program suggested we shun conservatives.  He said he no longer talks to his brother because of his political views and spoke about dividing up our country.[2] On and on it goes in the media as we approach the 2020 election. 

If you’ve grown tired of the political division and contempt that’s so commonplace, we’ve got a tonic for you tonight.  We’re joined by April Lawson, the Director of Debates at Better Angels – an organization committed to bridging the growing divide between Republicans and Democrats in our country.  Following their first gathering of Trump and Clinton supporters back in December 2016, Better Angels launched numerous initiatives across the U.S. in an effort to tear down the walls that divide us.  April joins us to share some insights and stories about their work that you definitely want to hear.


When you get people together, they’re not only kind to each other but they want to spread the hope of unity.

Observations from bringing people together.

A simple method for preserving and improving relationships.


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