Millennials walk across America promoting a Culture of Life
Back in 1993 on World Youth Day, Saint Pope John Paul II challenged young people to hit the road and get out on the highways and byways to spread the Gospel of Life. A young man named Steve Sanborn heard that call and decided to do something. In the summer of 1995, Steve and some of his fellow students at Franciscan University of Steubenville organized a pro-life walk across America covering 3,200 miles in 11 weeks. Seeing the overwhelming support they received on their mission, Steve founded a non-profit – Crossroads – which has been organizing walks each summer ever since. As of today, over 1,000 young people have witnessed to millions of Americans as they crossed the country in dedication to this cause. Tonight, we’re joined by two walkers who finished their cross-country trek today. Emily Ouillette and Cliff Hearn join us to talk about their experiences this summer, the people they encountered, and the mood of the country towards this issue.