Vanishing Grace - An interview with Philip Yancey
About 20 years ago, I (Ed) was adrift in my Christian faith. I had stopped attending the legalistic church I had been part of for many years, I was chasing the big payday in the high-tech startup world, and I had recently become a father. All the while, though, something kept gnawing at me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. As I wandered through Barnes and Noble, as I often did in those days, I kept passing a book entitled What’s So Amazing About Grace? At first I thought, that’s a catchy title. Then I started to think more and more deeply about the question until I finally said to myself, “What is so amazing about grace?!” So I purchased the book and read it, and it changed my life. Today, we’re joined by Philip Yancey, the author of that book and 20 others (four written with Dr. Paul Brand), many of them award winning. Philip’s most recent book is entitled Vanishing Grace, Whatever Happened to the Good News? In it, he revisits the topic of grace noting that his original question has only grown more urgent in recent years.