Divorce - An attorney's perspective

There are roughly 750,000 divorces in the U.S. each year affecting well over a million people. The vast majority of these separations are ugly, terribly painful, and force people to make a host of major decisions under duress.

Tonight, we’ll get a divorce attorney’s perspective on divorce. We’ll be talking to Dana Carlson, a partner at the Hale Ball law firm in Fairfax, VA. I was pointed to Dana this past year while helping a friend navigate a divorce along with other serious issues, like depression and alcoholism. During a handful of interactions, I was struck by Dana’s competence, compassion, and how available he made himself to the cause of helping my friend. I figured, who better to help us get a sense for the challenges faced by divorce lawyers.


Advocating for your client doesn’t mean only looking at one side of the story.

The importance of quality relationships outside of marriage.

Creating an opportunity to share the Good News.


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More information: Hale Ball law firm Website


Opening music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough