Getting people engaged in our communities and democracy

It was a beautiful thing to see the scenes of rescue and kindness during the recent hurricanes.  Nobody was asking people who they voted for or their position on confederate statues as they helped each other with patience and dignity.  This begs a question.  How do we get people treating each other like this and serving one another absent some form of tragedy?  Tonight we’re joined by Kristin Cambell, the Executive Director of PACE (Philanthropy for Active Civil Engagement), a learning collaborative of over 45 diverse philanthropies that invest in getting people engaged in our communities and democracy.  Some of their members include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, and the Case Foundation.  Kristin joins us to talk about this and other important questions, and how her organization is working to address them.


We all have a role to play in creating the communities we want to be part of. 

Helping people become active participants in building and strengthening their communities.

Stories put a human face on policies, investments, and interventions.

Faith values that significantly impact civic engagement. 


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For more information:  PACE WebsiteCivic Engagement Primer Video


Opening and closing music by Chris Tomlin, Your Grace Is Enough