A worship album for people who don't listen to worship music
"Worship music should not be written for only the Christian mind. It should draw those who are far from God. All who are called to proclaim [the gospel] through music have a responsibility to exhort people – to remind people that we have a reason to sing." These are the words of Christian Nuckels, Worship Pastor at Grace Community Church in Arlington, VA, and the creative influence behind the formation of the Grace Rising band, a music ministry within the church. Christian joins us to talk about his journey of faith and higher purpose, and how it led him to the extremely satisfying roles he is serving in now.
You need Jesus, even if you don't know you do.
Exhorting and inspiring people to let grace rise.
A song from the album.
Full interview with Christian Nuckels from Grace Rising. (This may take 30 seconds or so to load.)
For more information: http://www.gracerisingband.com/