Over 400 days of continual worship on the National Mall
Several years ago, Jason Hershey felt called to establish a place of continual, 24-by-7 worship and praise in Washington, DC. He was inspired by King David, who 3,000 years ago pitched a tent near his palace and hired more than 4,000 worshipers to offer praise to the Lord continually throughout his 33 year reign, making worship central to his nation and bringing blessings to it as a result. David’s Tent, as it’s known, has been operating continually for over one year now in the heart of Washington DC. Jason joins us to talk about the purpose behind it, and to issue a call for our nation to turn to the only true source of strength and help in these difficult times.
A call for local worship teams to come perform at the tent, and for everyone to encounter God there.
If Christianity is real, it has to be real.
There's something special about the experience in the tent in the middle of the night.
If you're willing to talk things out, be patient, and honor people, anything can happen.
Full interview with Jason Hershey from David's Tent.
For more information: http://www.davidstentdc.org/